Part numbers include M803125 M803130 M803140 M803630 M803640 M804123 M804130 M804140 M804150 M904625 M904635 M904650
Diameter in Inches 'D'
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Materials Used: AISI - C0175 · ALLOY - 6150, INCONEL x 750 or 718, STAINLESS: 17/7 · AND STAINLESS 301 OR 302
Nomenclature: P Ld=load in lbs. Stress=stress in (psi) lbs/sq. in x 10³ f Deflection= deflection in inches
Notes: 1. Disc Springs are tested only at f=.75h 2. Stress value at .75h is tensile at Point 2 or 3, depending on which is higher.
Important Note: Disc springs of thickness greater than .236" (6mm) will automatically be supplied with reduced thickness and bearing flats as shown in this catalog. Disc springs of thickness .236" (6mm) are supported in full and reduced thickness as shown in this catalog; please make specific request.